Work With Me

My Story | Why it's Lightworkers time to shine!

Welcome to my YouTube channel and blog | Why did I decide to start my Youtube journey now?

My mission here is to call women up to harness their power so they can unleash their light into the world. Stop waiting for your time to come.

This is your sign, your time is now.

New weekly empowering videos every Monday & weekly podcast interviews every Wednesday!


It's time to finally live YOUR dreams.

Are you ready to harness your power and manifest your authentic self?You know all the "woo stuff" works but don’t want to spend all day meditating. 

SOVEREIGN Mastermind was born with a simple foundational practices in place to make the woo work for you and finally live your full potential. 

Own Your Power | Rule Your Life | Live Your Purpose

Learn more & Apply Now β†’